Now Providing Telehealth!

Telehealth at Ziggy's Physical Therapy is up and running!

We can now provide physical therapy services through OrthoLive, an orthopedic telemedicine platform, while our clinic is closed to in-person traffic. Patients who receive physical therapy this way must have access to an email and an electronic device (a cell phone, laptop or tablet) on which you can download the OrthoLive app and access it.

If you would like to schedule an appointment or for more information, give us a call today at, (502) 462-0094!

We’ve provided a tip sheet here for our patients about how you can access this app after we schedule an appointment with you.

Download the OrthoLive app on Android devices:

Download the OrthoLive app on iOS devices:

Also, here is the link to a video showing you how you can access the app and use it during your appointments:

OrthoLive_Patient_TipSheet_Update 2020 (2).jpg